Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Lap it up, Pray it will end, Grows on you a bit...

I have been moaning about this book for a while now - Eat. Pray. Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I was quite excited to get stuck into this one, but it has taken me a while to finish it because I just wasn't all that into it. Unfortunately I have this policy whereby I cannot leave a book unfinished, which means that I have ended up ploughing through a fair bit of rubbish and regretting even starting the thing, let alone paying money for it. This was somewhat one of those bits of rubbish...

So I started fairly optimistically until I realised that the 'pray' part was actually quite a lot about praying and God and stuff. I'm not really into all that, but if she is then that's fine. No, the thing I disliked the most about this book was just how American it was. Think about it. One of the biggest stereotypes of American women is their ability to MOAN. And man can this woman moan! Yes, it's not nice getting a divorce I'd imagine, and hers didn't exactly sounds pleasant, but did the book really need to be a 347 page rant about her thoughts and feelings and 'spirituality'? What a load of garbage.

Fair enough, the Pasta sounded delish. I quite liked that bit, minus the parts where she mistakenly thought that everyone was dying to know about her psychiatric wellbeing. I also quite liked the lovey bit at the end - Bali sounded fun! But I really did have to put some effort in with the middle part. It could have been cut down by at least half - I think we got the jist that she needed to 'find herself' in about a million different ways, but we only needed the general outline.

Perhaps I am just insensitive and spiritually damned and incompetant, but that's the way I feeeeeel about this book and I'd just love you all to know about it because my feeeeeelings are so terribly important.

Maybe the film is better...

Roll on the next one! Perhaps some Alan Bennett will do the job a bit better!

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